Choices narrowed Rogue RP-1 and Primaluna Prologue Premium Preamps

I'm leaning toward the Primaluna which is $500 more. Both have easy dealer return.

The PL looks to be more of a "lifetime" preamp, heavy build, tubes outside chassis. The RP-1 includes a phono section (I do not need) which leads me to believe corners may have been cut to keep price point. 

Both get great reviews....but my gut says PL. The Prologue is 97% of the higher end dialogue model from what I have been told.

My amp ( at 51K input impedance, which is meets the recommended minimum of 28k (Stereophile review).

I am eventually going to replace my amp (I purchased as a temporary replacement and later use in a bedroom system). However, the amp has such an enjoyable sound, I decided to upgrade my preamp first. I am having some noise issues with my Peachtree Nova Pre. 

Anyone else compare the two? Stereophile did and the PL sounds like what I am looking for. I know actually hearing is the ultimate test.


Showing 3 responses by mulveling

I'm a big fan of Rogue, running their Apollo Dark/Hera II/Ares Magnum stack. But I agree the RP-1 internals don't look terribly exciting (the RP-5 looks a lot better, though at 2x cost). Though I haven't heard the new RPs, I'm a bit miffed they discontinued the 99/Athena/Hera II (which were superb) and replaced it with 12AU7/mosfet hybrids. Not a big fan of the 12AU7 tube either. 

You could score a 99 Magnum used for a very good price. Or better yet, wait around for a killer deal to emerge on an Athena -- it's much better sounding than even the 99, and very similar in sound to the Hera. That said, I'm pretty sure the new RP series will have a lower noise floor -- that was the 1 main weakness of the otherwise stellar Hera.
Perseus is one of the few Rogue pieces I haven’t heard. But like I said, not a huge fan of the 12AU7. I rip em out and replace with Sylvania black plate 12BH7 in my Ares and Apollos, which has a huge impact on sound quality - most Rogue gear can handle the swap (draws double the heater current). Couple this with Mazda silver plate 12ax7 for those slots, and it literally takes the Rogue gear to the next level.
Awesome! Hope you enjoy. I'm really curious how the RP-5 and 7 compare to the prior line; wish my dealer will get a unit in, but that may be a long-shot. One advantage of this new line is that it should be quieter.