chinese counterfeitng

I own dartzeel amp and preamp. I was checking out pricing and noticed dartzeel amp selling for $650 on ebay. I checked into this and they make it look externally the same but obviously not internally. The sellers were mainly from China.  If they can make the amp look real I bet is would be an easy process to fake a cable or anything else for that matter


Showing 1 response by mannypr55

I bought a consonance turandot cd player about 14 years ago , cost me 800.00 dollars but list price was 2,300.00 dollars . It has incredibly well engineered using high quality parts with a very sturdy casing . Weighted about 35 pounds . Just recently the tray started to give problems and wont open but the unit took 14 years of beating before going under and that is pretty good reliability for something as complex as a upper quality cd player . I mention this because not everything that comes from China is bad . Almost forgot , my friends tell me the consonance sounds alot like a Wadia so it sound very good also
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