chinese counterfeitng

I own dartzeel amp and preamp. I was checking out pricing and noticed dartzeel amp selling for $650 on ebay. I checked into this and they make it look externally the same but obviously not internally. The sellers were mainly from China.  If they can make the amp look real I bet is would be an easy process to fake a cable or anything else for that matter


Showing 1 response by lukaske

I buy only cables directly from the company. You never know what’s happen with it, when you buy it second hands. ( and you never can tested before you using it). Nothing wrong with é-bay: when you buy something,like  an amplifier, look first to the new price and then just compare the asking price,also the year of huilt is important. ( is there something about it,can i fine parts...) Also check whether the seller has a good name. Normaly, someone who really loves Music is vers honest. Lukas
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