Chime in if you bought a second table that cost a fraction of your main table.

Let’s say this will be for those who have or had a main turntable setup in which the table and tonearm retail for $7K or more. You then went out and purchased a table/arm that retails for half (or less than half) of $7k. If this is your current or past scenario, what were your impressions. Please note: this is for someone who added the second table for the same setup, or a second system...not someone who simply downgraded. The reason for this thread is not to suggest that upgrades do not offer improvements... It’s geared more for the audio enthusiast who scratched and clawed to purchase what may be their last table. I thought it would be interesting to hear the thoughts of people who then added that lower cost table/arm, and their general experience with it coexisting with their higher priced table.


Showing 4 responses by fjn04

A new Technics DD (like the 1200 G) has often run through my head as a cool option. I like the removable headshell, and ease of changing carts that it allows. I have a spare headshell for my Kuzma 313, and it's so nice to have. It's definitely a safe card financially...already a good buy new, with great resale...Reading in to reviews, I don't think their sonic flavor would be for me, but it's worth an audition to make my own judgment. That last sentence refers to their more affordable tables, not the reference model. 

I love my Kuzma as well. Very nice. Well, I ask for this reason. My situation goes like this...My main system is nearly a finished product. I have a Kuzma Ref 2 with a Ref 313 arm. I really have no desire to change the table, and the Shindo/Altec system  it plays to is pretty well set. I have a few carts I enjoy, along with 2 nice step up transformers....My Sonic Hyper, EMT Tsd 75, Charisma (denon) 103, a Dave Slagle, and A23 Homage step up. I recently started working on a second system....a Naim XS 3 w/ MM phono and Harbeth C7's. So allow me to get to the skinny of this. I want to finish off this Naim/Harbeth setup with a table arm combo that sells for 1/3 or less than my Ref 2/ Ref 313 setup. I want this for my second system, but I'd like something that will play nicely in my main system if I do get the itch to try it. With this thread, I'm trying to see if people who invested close to 5 figures on a table/arm are able to also enjoy a coexisting table/arm that cost them quite a bit less. 

Some very different situations here, but this does give me idea how you (my fellow enthusiasts) are getting on with your backup table. So no offense to the following brands, but they are not in the running...VPI, Rega,Technics and Pro-Ject tables. I'm feeling like spending a little more will get me in to something I can enjoy. Not that there is anything wrong with $1000 tables, but I have been spoiled. Even the Well Tempered Amadeus (base and GTA) tables I had could be very engaging. The only reason I won't go back to Well Tempered is the lack of cue lever/ arm lift. They do have another arm offering called the Symetrex, which does have one, but I think it takes the Amadeus Jr out of my price range. Here is my short list of considerations...Dr Feickert Volare, Thorens TD 150...I was considering AVID, but apparently I would have to go up to a Diva SP in order to have push button 33/45 selection. The Marantz TT15 mentioned above is actually the table I heard when I auditioned (and bought) my Naim XS. It was actually very hard to fault with the Virtuoso cart. It seems to play well above it's price point. The cartridge seems like a throw in. However, my goal here is to end up with a tonearm that will play nicely with the carts I mentioned above...the TSD 75, and Charisma (wood) Denon 103. No harm in trying an MM or MI cart, but I already have these and an SUT to play them in to the Naim phono. 

Indeed my Kuzma Ref 2 brings a lot of enjoyment, and will not be bettered for the price range I'm shopping in. But that is around $14K retail wth the 313 VTA gimbal, so it wouldn't be a fair fight. My only real experience with DD was an audition of a Brinkmann Spyder and Bardo. The former is belt, and Bardo a Direct Drive. Same arm/cartridge, same time, same system. The Bardo did nothing wrong, but missed emotion...The Spyder was more relaxed, and I recall hearing the decay, and subtle spatial cues that the Bardo glossed over. Lew- as you mention, It is a slippery slope, but there's no turning back now (-: I have the Naim XS with built in phono, and the Harbeths with Trager stands all set up. I like this Naim with the Harbeth quite a bit...I prefer it to the Lux class A, and Croft I had previously. Here are a a few I think will be enjoyable...The Wand 4-14...I think this is a long shot, but it's such an interesting, well thought out table. New model of the Thorens TD 1500...I also think Well Tempered Amadeus tables tables sound great. But I've owned a few, and would not go back unless it had their Symetrex arm with cue lever. I'm retired from lifting tonearms. (-: I think the Dr Feickert Volare could also be a nice option. The ease of adjustability on the Kuzma arm has really spoiled me. That's what I could end up truly missing.