Child Damage Mitigation

Last week the wife and I brought a new baby home - our first - and it's been fun introducing her to the music we love. It dawned on me this morning that this child will be crawling before I know it and my lovely pair of Magnepan 3.7's might be sitting ducks. They're less agile than the cat, closer to the ground than the house plants, and more fragile than the couch. As I've calculated I've got approximately 6 months to find a way to prevent any child-induced damage so your input is greatly appreciated. What can I learn from the grand wisdom of AG about how to keep the kid away from the speakers? 

Showing 1 response by freedeez

Machine gun emplacement with landmines has worked for me.  Seriously if you can't move them to another more secure room, I would fence them for the first two years then teach them not to touch afterwards.  Either way, you have to assume that they will touch it and possibly damage it.  My buddy opened his Oppo player tray only to find it packed with Peanut butter.  If it does happen it gives you a good reason to upgrade and the wife can't argue.