Chesky Audio C-1?

So I came across a pair of Chesky Audio C-1 speakers at a thrift store.

I had no idea what they were but could tell they were at least a quality speaker and they were only $80 so I picked them up. I come to find out they originally sold for about $4000 a decade ago. They are not in great shape, some chips and dings, there's no grills or feet and they both appear to be for the right but the speakers themselves seem to be okay. They apparently look like a pretty good speaker but I have no need for them and not being an audiophile I can't tell the difference compared to any other speaker. I went with different speakers for my living room setup. My question is considering the poor quality is it worth my time to try to sell them or should I just haul them to Goodwill? I don't have time to deal with them if there only worth a few hundred bucks. I'm not trying to sell them here or anything but just trying to get some idea of what to do with them.

Showing 2 responses by lowrider57

$3995/pair in 2003.
Are u able to hook them up to your current system to see if they are in working order? All u need is a pair of speaker cables or zip cord. If so, then sell locally on craig's list. It's a shame somebody let them degrade to such poor condition.