CHecking tubes?

I'm bi-coastal, and twice a year I have to get used to the sound of a new system. I'm not liking what I hear through my Jolida 202, with ancient KLH speakers (only on choral music, which I realize stresses a lot of systems). 50 years ago, as step 1, I would have taken the tubes to Sears to have them tested, before starting swapping equipment out. Or should step 1 be ungrading speakers to something made less than a century ago? Thanks.
You can invest in a tube tester also it might work out well if a group of audiophile friends go in on it together. A simple emmisions tester shouldn't cost all that much.
As for speakers that is always a matter of personal taste many love the vintage sound .
I own old (1959) JBLs and Klipsch La Scalas from the mid 1970s. I have to sell the Klipsch soon but will keep the JBLs. I also own Klipsch Heresy from 1976 which I hope to keep but I don't have enough space after a forced down sizing. Never mind my Focals and Von Schweickerts. OY!
Have you cleaned all the connections sometime in the last 50 years? :) Seriously, though, maybe cleaning all of the connections would help. Worn preamp tubes generally sound dull, rolled off highs and flabby bass- at least on my old ARC preamp.
Connections ... connections .... Oh yeah! Also, problem with a seriously crappy cd-player, and speakers where we used to put them in the 60s--jammed into the shelves of a bookcase. Thanks.