Cheapest way to enhance SQ with digital streaming

I could not stop but post my observations on remarkable SQ improvement with just a small change. I have been using digital streaming predominantly and have tried many things (cables, conditioner, room treatment). Everything does matter and they all did improve the quality without doubt and are definite investment. But after going through some reviews of fiber optic for Ethernet and their noise reducing properties compared to copper cables, I thought of giving a try. I connected Ethernet cable from router/Ethernet switch to media converter and fiber optic from this media converter (need SFP module) to second media converter (with another SFP module). Then regular Ethernet cable went from this second media converter to server/streamer. Basically the idea is to add fiber optic cable between the router and streamer, which will reduce the noise. But, wow, the difference was huge and amazing. Not sure how to explain the improvement, but the SQ was more fluid, melodious, fast, clean and separation of instruments were clear. The total cost for this was less than 150 (on Amazon). Apparently, as the fiber optic cable conductors are made of glass, they carry less noise compared to copper and also cost very cheap. Compared to money spent on other component in my system (have spent quite a lot), this is the most cost efficient and gave more improvement in the SQ. I am still amazed by this and very happy with what I heard. I feel negligent not to share with my fellow audiophiles, who are trying to get the best out and improve their system, sometime spending quite a bit for small difference. I guess, since the cost of trying this is so cheap (please don’t make me feel guilty for telling 150$ is cheap), try yourself and see the difference. On a different note, have been reading that use of Ethernet switch also does some “saucery” (I am no technical guy, but do read quite a bit of articles on audio) to reduce this noise to improve SQ and combination of fiber optic and the Ethernet switch takes SQ to different level. Will try some audiophile Ethernet switch sometime (may be uptone ethergen or Sotm snh-10g) to try out as I am very intrigued. 

Showing 2 responses by txp1

The FMC-fiber-FMC experiment is over for me.   It was a definite net negative to sound quality in my system.  I don’t know why that happened while almost everyone else reported good results because it was the exact opposite for me.  I gave it 4 days of 24x7 powered up and 14 hours of listening time. Although it did improve a little with burn-in it remained very tilted-up sonically with almost no bass. Even worse, the center soundstage was very thin. Anemic even.  It was like listening to Army of Darkness musicians. I went back to my old config and within minutes music had soul and fleshiness and weight and 3-dimensions again.

 I’m posting to let future readers know that your results may be system dependent. But it was an interesting experience!

Also, my system has a Node 2i with the power board upgrade modification and a Mean-Well medical grade SMPS. There’s 130 hours play time on the mod and 24x7 powered up for over a month.  It needed that.  I’ve found the mod to result in much better detail. Maybe the combination of that mod with the FMC didn’t work out even though it all went into a Chord Qutest DAC and a fully tubed int amp.

@romney80 and everyone else - thanks for the tip!  I installed the two FMCs and fiber this afternoon.  It sounded horrid (extremely tilted up) the first hour but then started to mellow. I was curious about the burn-in time because it’s still tilted up sonically. 

But then I remembered that I had to use a never-used-before power receptacle on my Furutech power bar for one of the FMC wall warts. When I first got the Furutech it had a very long burn-in time. So that’s probably what is causing part of the sonic problem. And wall warts require burn-in.  I’m very optimistic. I’m only 1 ¾ hours into my first listen and it’s rapidly improving.

Anyone else experience sound quality issues during burn-in?   For how long?