Cheap starter system for kids

A friend who is definitely not an audiophile has two kids who have gotten into vinyl using some junky all-in-one turntables that just now broke. He wanted my advice on helping them put together their new systems but definitely isn’t ready to jump into the deep end just yet.

I generally enjoy the game of building theoretical systems from scratch so hoped some of you would too. The system needs to be for beginners in their tweens/early teens, include a turntable, be relatively compact as it goes in a bedroom, does not need deep bass to avoid annoying their mom, and it needs to be as cheap as you can get with still good sound quality (he hasn’t given me a sure budget yet but definitely under $1k and the lower the better). He’s only comfortable with new/refurbished gear rather than used or vintage.

So far I’m leaning towards:
Project debut carbon - $400
Rega P1 - $475

Schiit Mani - $130
Cambridge Alva Solo - $180 (if he’d rather pay $50 to avoid all the Schiit jokes from a tween boy)

Speakers: Audioengine HD3 - $350

Look forward to your ideas & comments.

Showing 1 response by ethos123

Thanks for all the input. Unfortunately for those who recommended used gear, the buyer here is definitely not comfortable with that even though its probably the best value.

I'm definitely not locked in to powered speakers, but my friend has heard AE HD3s on my computer at work so I was just leaning towards whats familiar to both of us. I considered the Elac B6s paired with an amp or receiver, but I haven't heard them in person yet...still trying to gauge how complicated they'd be comfortable with the systems being and powered speakers keep it super simple plus add bluetooth (not that there aren't other options for that) to let them and their friends play stuff they don't have on vinyl.

Since dad isn't himself familiar with audiophile gear, the many suggestions for a TT with built-in phono preamp are probably a good idea too for the simplicity mentioned above...or at least a amp/receiver with phono input if we do go for passive speakers

I know turntables and kids don't always mix, so the idea of going a bit more robust with a DJ style TT like the Pioneer PLX-500 or Audiotechnica LP-120 might be wise...or perhaps automatic (Denon DP-300F)??

Appreciate all the opinions/suggestions. Thanks