Cheap Canadians

I see new canadian speakers on the us market for almost half off retail, seeing as many view these speakers as excellent values at full price (paradigm and psb in particular) would I be stupid for not jumping at them, also who are the sources for these (paradigm in particular)

Showing 1 response by bigpoppakrell

Not to badger your praise of "things Canadian" and yes "I am Canadian!" but do try to get your facts straight. First and foremost it is true that Canadian speaker manufacturers have had the beneficial use of the National Research Councils(not the Canadian National Lab... it's not a Railway !) acoustic research facilities to aid them in the development of better loudspeakers. This has helped to yield a better speaker for the money than some competing products that haven't had access to this world famous facility.
You are correct in pointing out that Canada has put out some big names in high-end audio business. There are also ones you may not associate with Canada, such as: Classe, or Verity Audio, Oracle, Blue Circle, SimAudio, Gutwire, and of course Sonic Frontiers. As well don't forget API, who builds and sells the Mirage, Energy and Sound Dynamics brand speakers. Apologies to those not mentioned...
SD is right that probably the largest factor contributing to the perceived value of Canuck-Fi, is the weak Canadian Dollar. Something most Americans don't even think about.. or care about for that matter.
But hey, we here in the Great White North will quietly go on building great electronics and speakers for you Americans to enjoy.
Just remember where it came from !