Cheap bi-wiring?

What would be a good approach to assemble an inexpensive bi-wire speaker cable?

Showing 3 responses by leafs

Dont bother.Just make the speaker into a single wire.There is no benifit to bi wire other than to the bottom line of the wire mfg.
WAMATAU,If you have proof state it.Read Bound for sound and If you look some of the finest speakers made dont offer Biwire option.Martin De Woulf who is very respected in the Audio Media writes about the merits of single over bi wire.My speakers sound so much better.Better bass more detail better soundstage.
David99 you off base as usuall.The better the speakers the less lickly your going to find Bi wire.Check with MFG of real high end speakers.Dont bother with MFG of Mass market high end speakers.