Cheap bi-wiring?

What would be a good approach to assemble an inexpensive bi-wire speaker cable?

Showing 2 responses by david99

I believe one needs a real good speaker also to hear an improvement with bi-wiring.(IMO) Maybe thats why some dont hear the improvement and state "It doesnt work" Well maybe it doesnt on their speakers.HeyHorse,If you want a real good bi-wire set up REAL cheap check out The Tara Space+Time Phase 2 I have for sale here.List $340, steal @ $95 or BO
Leafs you cant read as usual.Read what I wrote and dont twist things around.One will get better performance from a real good speaker in bi-wire than a mid-fi one.In other words a better resolving speaker.Is that clear enough.If you are looking to be a jerk again go for it dude! "David99,your off base as usual" Sounds like you are trying to stir things up here,huh?