Charles Lloyd & The Marvels + Lucinda Williams "Vanished Gardens"

What a terrific new album!  While I'm not a jazz guy, (like, at all), I truly enjoyed this LP.  The addition of Lucinda Williams, was a brilliant move.  She has just the right voice for this kind of material and she's one of my favorite female vocalists.

Doing another album with The Marvels was also the perfect move.  This doesn't feel like a jazz album to me, but a complete refresh of something just a little different.

The LP is clean, dynamic and very quiet.

One of my top picks for the best album of the year.

Highly recommended!

Showing 1 response by mofimadness

Man, what a tough room :-)  I stand by my comments about this LP.  It has gotten some pretty decent reviews.

I was careful to state above, that I'm not a jazz fan, but I really do find this title very enjoyable.  It gets even better with subsequent listening.

Can't please everyone, I guess...