Charging A Fee To Demo An Amplifier In A Brick & Mortar Store

I Saw a pair of pre-owned tube monoblocs for sale on an onlline forum for around $17k.
The seller has a retail store for hiigh end audio. The seller mentioned that there will be an up-front fee for the demo if a prospect comes to the store the amps are not purchased. The demo fee may also be used for credit towards any purchase in the store.

This is the first time I’ve ever heard of this. Is this now a common occurance in high end audio stores? I sent a note to the seller asking what the demo fee amount was....two weeks and I didn’t get a response.

Does anyone know what amount of fees are charged for a demo?

Showing 3 responses by laaudionut

I know this outfit and the owner in particular. He attempted to charge me for a demo some years ago and I never retuned. Rude and unscrupulous he was in the brief interaction I had with him. Caveat emptor!
Sep-16-2020What is the inconvenience fee associated with an in-store demo...fully face masked, of course?

These are packed and put away. Can you tell me what kind of system would you want it demonstrated with ? Please call the store...Probably $500.00 which will be applied to purchase price of $16995.00

This guy is the worst, a disgrace to the local audio community. I walked in several years with a sack of cash intending to buy, and was immediately turned off by his attitude and approach to customer service. Take your business elsewhere! For those of you in SoCal looking to visit a brick and mortar and receive the type of service that spending this type of money deserves, message me and I am happy to provide some excellent suggestions.