I've read quite a few positive comments on the VDA2, but I do have one concern. It uses a CS chip and they tend not to be very well liked. I know there's a lot more to a DAC than one chipset but you gotta wonder about the choice... course it only lists for $599.
Channel Islands VDA-1 vs VDA-2 vs MSB Link III
I've been trying information comparing these three DAC's. I had trouble finding it on Audiogon and I found a small snippet comparing the VDA-1 vs. VDA-2 on Head-Fi. Based on the information I've found, in general terms, it seems that the
VDA-2 > MSB Link DAC III > VDA-1
Do you agree? Are they all relatively close? Does anyone have any experience with them or how they specifically differ? Am I correct in assuming their respective power supplies have an equal effect on all of them (VAC-1 and P1000)?