Channel Islands D-100 Amplifier

Has anyone had an opportunity to listen to this amp yet? It looks very interesting ( but I'd grateful for any first hand impressions. I'm looking to use two of these monoblocks for the front two channels of a multi-channel system, using a Marantz SR9300 receiver as the preamp, to improve two-channel stereo performance.

Showing 7 responses by rx8man

Great, keep this thread alive.
I think there will be a lot more to say about the D-100's and the upcoming D-200's, so let us know everything !!
Gunbei, I think my future is now.
When a pair of small mono amps run this cool, cost so little, do so much, it makes me take note of the price/performance issue in a major way.
I can't wait to see what the D-200's will do.
Yes, I am very interested in purchasing the D-100's.
I called Dusty today and discussed my current system with him.
He is a very helpful, courteous, intelligent man.
Wow, from what I gather, these things are the ticket.
Everything said about these amps are what I'm looking for.
I guess the D-100's would be enough guts for my 10 inch 3-ways @91db. 4ohm minimum.
Or should I wait for the D-200's ?
Well, please don't laugh, a pair of highly pro-modded B&K M-200 monos that served me faithfully for ten years !
Yeah, I keep good stuff around for a while, so it really takes a substantial, favorable improvement to make me move !
I've had dozens of golden-ear audiophiles (dealers too) audition my system on more than one occasion to attest to the sound quality, they were highly impressed.
I can thank Psychicanimal for my first exposure to Channel Islands last Summer.
I brought my modded mono amps & tube Dac over to his place and was shocked at how well his little Channel Island setup sounded.
These D-100's & (soon D-200's) must be really special.
Read the thread over @ the Asylum, I had a feeling these were going to be very special amps.
If a pro-modder like Dan Wright confirms this in his own reference system, that says a lot.
We'll be hearing more about these D-200 amps.
For the record, Dan is NOT a dealer for Channel Islands nor has ANY financial interest in Dusty's amp sales.