Channel Imbalance at low volumes

Hi guys!

I got a sweet sounding NAD 7175PE the other day! It sounds rad at high volumes, however, at low volumes a significant channel imbalance appears. The left channel becomes MUCH dimmer than the right. The problem exists while using either the A or B terminals, but it also flips sides if I swap the left and right speakers, so it's not the speakers or speaker wires. Interestingly, the "A+B" speaker selection produces no sound for some reason. Not sure if that gives any clue as to the cause. Anyone know what's wrong? Thanks!

Showing 1 response by uberdine

I had a Rega Brio with this problem and assumed it was the volume pot. Had a new pot put in and it didn't fix it. God knows what the problem was but, presumably, there are many things that can cause channel imbalance at low levels. Maybe get a decent technician to check it out.