Channel D Lino C vs. Sutherland Little Loco

Did anybody have chance to compare above two phono stages?
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Showing 3 responses by nandric

But now something totally different, I own two phono-pres;
Basis Exclusive and Klyne 7PX3.5 both with multitude of
amplification stages. Basis with 4 , Klyne with 3 . The sense
is to use the lowest possible by each cart. The ratio is ''the
higher the amplification the higher distortions''.The choices
 are: 40 dB ( for MM) than 50dB , than 60 dB and 69 dB. 
For those among us with many cartridges with various ouputs
this looks very attractive. What about you chakster? 
Dear Dover, I think Marx invented the expression ''accumulation of
capital''. But, in some sense, every collector ''accumulate'' his
''darlings''. Now regarding my slavic brother I am not shure which
are his darlings?  Anyway he is my darling; the younger brother. 
However he is not younger Raul but new Raul.
Well chakster try to look modest in comparison to Raul. In particular
reg. his hearing capabilities. This means that Halcro or Dover
don't need to fear critical remarks about their system all the way
from (big) Rusian Fedaration. However he deed not answer the
question which ''darlings'' are his ''real darlings''. As far as I know
he collects: cartridges, TT's, tonearms, records and (SILVER)
Then we don't have anymore the ''cart of the week'' as in the past
but ''only'' cart of the month. The other question is how chakster
get the ''capital'' in Marx sense to buy all this stuff? What he said
to me is to me familiar from the first Dutch economist. Their idea
how to become rich nation was: ''buy cheap and sell expensive''. 
Alas Ricardo en Smit asked the question: ''what will be the case if
we all try to do this''? The Dutch forget to mention monopoly position
of their VOC company . (Re) inforced with wooden ships but
bronzen cannons.  The ''added enigma'' is why he needs even
silver SUT's next to his best ever phono-pre?