Changing receiver from Arcam to?


I have a Vandy HT system, Hsu VTF 2 sub. (2Ce, VCC-1, VSM-1) with Toshiba DVD as source, and Arcam AVR 200 receiver. Interconnects is MIT Terminator. Speaker cables is AQ Type 4.

My buddy is taking my receiver as he needed a good 220V receiver and I have to replace my receiver.

I am also thinking of setting up my computer as my transport and hopefully also play SACD and DVD A on it (not sure if that is possible).

Receiver wise

1. I can replace with another Arcam 200 or upgrade to a 250 or 300. I am not sold on Arcam, like the sound but don't like that I cant input SACD, DVD A digitally plus not sure it will handle bass.

2. Buy a receiver like the Pioneer Elite with iLink and either get Pioneer Universal or try to to link with my computer with Firewire.

3. Buy a cheap receiver with digital power amplification (think its the way of the future and has gotten increasingly better reviews) hopefully with a way to input SACD/DVA digitally but even if not I can sell and upgrade easily in a year or two.

Given all of these, which of these, or other options should I consider. Don't want to spend the money on separates as in a HT system get 80-90% of sound with a receiver much cheaper.

Thanks a lot for advice


Showing 1 response by flrnlamb

"...Don't want to spend the money on separates as in a HT system get 80-90% of sound with a receiver much cheaper"

Yeah, for the record, this is way off!!! figure more like 80-90% better sound from separates easy!!!!
I've worked in 6 audio stores over 15 years, to know of which I speak me. Receivers are a large sonic compromise indeed.
I bought an upgraded Acurus ACT 3(basically same processing as Aragon Stage One at 24/192) With analog volume control, and Acurus 125x5 (plus 2 channel amp) at less than $2k used.
The sound cannot be touched by any receiver by a long margine.
Make no mistake about it...receivers are a convenience for those that don't like to connect a few pair of interconnects and have to have two power cords instead of one (like this takes more than two minutes longer to set up, if that).
Sound quality is EVERYTHING in audio. Besides that, separates are way better, and I would not go back personally. I don't understand the "receiver mentality/crazy/mania/whatever thing".