changing from rotel and peach to plinius 8100?

Hello all, I am going to replace my rotel 980 power amp and my juicy music preamp, for a 8100 plinius. I have been reading quite a bit about the plus sides to intergrated amps and am wanting to try it out. Before you say anything I know the 8100 is quite old but my thinking is it will give me a taste of how a good integrated can sound, am I correct? My question is what changes should i expect? thank you very much. Scott

Showing 4 responses by 52tiger

The peach is a good preamp in my experience, that was the piece that was bugging me the most, also sold the rotel 991 and bought a resolution audio cd50 again a older piece but according to resolution audio will sound similar to the opus 21, not dead on but in the family tree. thanks,Scott
i also bought a resolution audio cd50 as a source, it's old but should match up with plinius from what i have read.
I have decided to hang on to the peach and make a direct comparison, I will let you know my findings. Thanks,Scott