Changing Amps?? Are you Sure??

All frustrated audiophiles out there,should heed this warning: stay with your amplifier if it sounds right to you.
I have wasted more money in the last 30 years, listening to the advice of the alternative press. You read "This amp is great, it does everything right". Then a year later, its not on the recommended component lists anymore. Listen people, if an amp is great, its great!! The fact is there are not that many good ones around. It has to be that many of the amps they recommended as great, really were not. They did not survive the test of time, not even a year.The Audio Research SP-11 preamp was just such a product.
Funny , when I sold my Audio Research D-150 amp(1976),to upgrade to the newer models, it was never quite right again. On and on went the upgrades into the hybrids, to the all fet input stages, only to finally return to my D-150 22 years later...mated to my quads. 22 years of wasted money. Anyone else go through this sort of thing? or am I from MARS

Showing 1 response by audio4fun

I agree with you completely !!! I currently own my fourth pair of Jeff Rowland Model 7's, world class Classics by anyone's standards. Every time I sold them for the "newer better" I would always go back to the 7's. I purchased one of the first pair that Jeff built; I currently have one of the last pair that were built. As I am now getting older, poorer, & seemly much harder for hearing, I am sure this pair will be left for my sons to fight over. Great thread & good advise for some of the younger guys with this sickness. I could have saved myself countless hours & lots of money if I would have just stayed with what I started with. My current system is antique by current standards. Rowland electronics & Duntech Sovereign speakers, EAD CD & DAC. All the state of the art at the time of introduction. While everything is top of the line from the past, 1992 to present, I enjoy it all everyday. I am retired now. I think there is certainly a lesson to be learned here. Again, Great Thread !!!