Changed preamps. Seems like less power now?

I recently changed my preamp from a Rotel 1070 to an Anthem TLP-1, and have noticed that my system seems to have less power. I have to really push up the volumn to get any decent high levels, where is with the other preamp, it got very loud easily. Does a preamp effect the output of the power amp. I don't know if I should change it back out, or maybe go with a higher powered amp. I run Thiel CS.5, and they seem to be hard to drive compared to some other speakers I have owned. Thanks for any help

Showing 3 responses by jeffo19

The previous preamp was very sensitive, but also would only be at say 10:00 O'clock position at a given loudness, while the other one has to go to 2:00. I am thinking that maybe I should match my components, and use an Anthem power amp. Wheather or not that will make a difference or not, I don't know.
Yeah. I like that feature. I did not know it was adjustable. Still going through the manual. The Volume range on this shows -80dB to +8.0 Odd. -30 is quite low, and I have to bring it up to -15 for decent volumn, and that's with a 130W power amp. The -80 to -50 range almost seems inaudible to me. I use to have an Arcam that allowed you to change the increments, but I don't think this has that option.
Alright. So for Anthems, -20 & -10 is normal. I figured that if +8 was the Max, and the Min is -80, then -20 would be extremely loud, but I guess this is just how they are.