Change from processor to preamp help

I have been using a Meridian pre/pro, 568, for past 3 years and am ready to attempt higher audio! I'm interested in selling my pro. and buying a preamp along with a new cdp or dac. I currently use the meridian with inexpensive sony dvd/cd player/recorder. I am also changing my b&w monitors out for merlin tsm's. I plan on buying an denon or sony receiver with preouts to use into my cary cinema 5 amp. What preamp do you recommend? I need something reasonable, I'm getting started here people. Also, would you recommend I keep my dvd/cdp and invest in a dac or go with a new cdp into the preamp?


Thanks for the input. I use a hsu sub now but would like to move up to REL in the next several month. I'll leave as is for the time being and see how the tsm's sound.
Gunbei is right. I would wait until you have had your Merlin's for a while. The TSM's are really good, although I suspect their amazing low frequency specifications might be under some optimal conditions and not free-standing. Just be wary that you might end up wanting a sub.
Merlin TSMs, you're DEFINITELY getting into higher audio. Before making a buying decision you should probably stay with the Meridian/Cary combo for awhile and evaluate the type of changes you'd like to make after you get a good feel for the Merlins.

Which preamp you try first depends on the overall balance of your system and what direction you'd like to steer it towards. Personally, I have an affinity for tube preamps because of their dynamic yet natural presentation. Plus you have the option of matching it with a tube or solid state amp depending on your power or tonal taste.

Whichever path you choose, buying used is a good way of trying different equipment without losing too much of your investment. Try a search in the forums to see what people are using with their Merlins. You'll get a feel for what the gear might sound like with your speakers and will be able to make a more educated choice that way.

Good luck!