Change CJ Premier 12 to XS ??

Please respond if you have any experience with the CJ amps in tetrode versus triode mode. I am considering having my amps converted to triodes on the basis of articles and reviews, but I have never heard them in triode mode. What I have read says they will be more musical. Any drawbacks other than the loss of power? Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by ed_sawyer

I am about to send out my CJ Pr. 5s to Bill Thalmann for conversion to Triode operation, among other things (upgrades and mods). He highly recommended it, only drawback was some loss of power but at 200watts per side, I can afford to lose a bit and not have it be an issue. I'd say go for it, you can always convert them back if you don't like it.
Thanks Jose... glad to be part of the club. ;> I recently ordered some NOS Sylvania 5751 Gold Brand tubes for these amps... supposed to be the cat's meow as far as 5751s go. (Better be for $62/ea!)... currently have some NOS raytheons 5751s and RCA cleartops for the 6fq7s. (same tubes complement as the 8xs I think... ?) Svets in the El34 positions.

I just boxed these amps up today to send to Bill (ow! my aching back), will be a long 3-4 weeks without them!

It would be nice to be able to switch from ultralinear to triode like some amps can... anyone ever wire up their CJ's like that? (with a swtich).

take care,