Chair or Sofa? Which do you use?

I am planning to set up a new listening room; approx. 13 x 20 w/carpeted floor. Do any of you see any advantages of one of these seating arrangements vs. the other?
If your intention is romance, even occasionally, go with the sofa. Otherwise, chairs are the way to go as long as they are comfortable. It helps if they are also easy to move so you can share the sweet spot with a friend. While listening alone, you can claim the prime spot yourself. With chairs, you will be able to sit more comfortably very close to a friend so you can both better enjoy the music.
Sonically, I don't think it makes much difference. Sitting exactly in the sweet spot typically does. This is especially true (and rewarding) with narrowly focused speakers such as the Dunlavys.
You have got to do the sofa. Whether it is romance or sleep or kids over to your house, the sofa is infinitely better than the chair. Think long term. good luck, mike.
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Sofas don't allow you to recline. You are always forced to be upright even with your feet up. Sometimes I like to lay back in a darkend room and relax to music. You have to lay side-ways with a sofa and one ear is always down. I chose recliners from Natuzzi that a local Scandanvian furniture store sells. They have adjustable head rest and fully recline. Becareful that what ever you chose the back is not too high. If the back is higher than your ears, it's like putting your head against a wall and listening. All of the first order refelections will hit your ears. I chose chairs with backs lower than ear level. If you sit in any sofa and the back is even with or higher than your ears, it is compromising the sound quality. So make sure that you get a sofa with a low back if you go that route. I have both 3 chairs in front and the sofa on a platform for the guest who don't care about sound quality .