Chained Shunyata Triton w/Vray 2

I have a Shunyata Triton and my old V-Ray 2.
Any comments on chaining these? (V-Ray to wall, Triton into V-Ray?) Thanks.

Showing 3 responses by rgs92

OK, thanks for that. It's just that I was having surprisingly good results with chaining. I use an Anaconda CX.
OK, unchained melody here. 'using the Triton direct now and Jfrech is right. Things are much better even than before. Again, the Triton is AWESOME!! NO KIDDING!
Every image is locked in place and outside the speakers.
Thanks Jfrech.
Best to you Jfrech. Had to use my 10 year old 8-foot 20-amp Anaconda Alpha from the closet on the Triton to reach, but somehow it does a fine job. When I save some more change in my loose-change drawer, I may move on to a newer version.

I'm lucky I can type now I stayed up so late listening. I feel like my little Lahave Mela monitor speakers turned into Aerial 20Ts or Grand Utopias (well, almost).