Ceramic fuses

Gday, Im looking at purchasing some ceramic fuses for my Primaluna gear. 
The question I have, would  a gold plated or rhodium plated fuse be the way to go? If so, which would be the better choice? 
Any information or help, would be appreciated. 
Cheers Ricey

Merry Christmas, everyone

Showing 6 responses by ricey

Cal91, I did detect the sarcasm....
As far as good people, thats why Ive stayed with the thread.. Coz they're out there somewhere.... 
Thanks for your input. 
Cheers Ricey
Thanks everyone, for the input. 
I reckon I'll just give it a go. 
If their is no harm done to the sound, and even if their is no perceived change audibly, no harm done. 
Im looking at a range of fuses at Littlefuse. 
They have a lot of technical info on their website, and their prices are very reasonable. 
If anyone has tried ceramic fuses in Peimaluna gear, I'd still like to hear. As well as any other opinions or thoughts. 
Cheers Ricey. 
Gday, when I started this thread, I never thought it would end up like this. 
All I was asking about, was, the possible difference between Gold and Rhodium.
I've appreciated all the input, forum members have put in. 
I feel, people should be allowed to voice their opinions, within reason, without ridicule. 
If people want to keep contributing, please feel free. 
Also, I live in Australia, and let me tell you, Vegemite is better on toast..........!!
Cheers Ricey
Gday George, not sure why, but what you said about different types of metals reacting, seems to make sense.. Dont know why. 
Vegemite is also good on Salada Biscuits.. 
Cheers Ricey
Gday, Ive decided to go with a ceramic fuse, with nickel plated brass ends. They only cost about $6.75
I will also treat with Deoxit....
Cheers Andrew. 
Gday Cal91, at one point, I was sitting back with a bag of popcorn..... 
Then, I started to think, this is out of control.. 
I considered unfollowing, or even shutting the thread down, not sure if I can do that anyway. 
Eventually, somebody might add to the thread, with some advice or thoughts, that doesn't also include an attack on somebody's character or level of intelligence. 
Come on Guys........ ??
Merry Christmas to everyone. 
Ps. Thanks for your input Cal91.
Cheers Ricey