Ceramic fuses

Gday, Im looking at purchasing some ceramic fuses for my Primaluna gear. 
The question I have, would  a gold plated or rhodium plated fuse be the way to go? If so, which would be the better choice? 
Any information or help, would be appreciated. 
Cheers Ricey

Merry Christmas, everyone

Showing 10 responses by oldhvymec

I haven't seen the the slow blow wire move, but I have seen the
.5 - 5. amp fast blow, bend. I don't run amps that require above 6-8 amp surge on startup. 

I had one going through fuses too, 3-4 times a year. Everything in that amp was better than new, except a filter cap was acting up, one day it sprung a leak.. YUP like an ol Harley, I changed all 4 caps, hasn't blown a fuse sense. BTW they were just replaces, just a bad one, in the bunch, Cary took all 4 back and replaced at no charge, and paid the postage..

The fuse your looking at, is not how SR fuses are made. They don't fail like the one in the middle and on the right. Both those fuse will sound bad. The new one will sound good until it looks like the one in the middle.  Different construct all together than SR fuses. Many of the other fancy fuses are different than a Busman in "HOW" they are made, it's not just what the end caps are made of or the fuse wire, its how and what it's made out of and that GOO they put on it... 

They are different... How they sound, and how they are made...

Apples, Oranges!!

There are a few out there I’ve used, Acme, and SR. BOTH change the sound. If you try one and you don’t hear the difference, SR will take it back. I haven’t heard changes in my DAC units, BUT all the analog gear there was a GOOD change.

Again some folks can’t hear the difference or are not patient enough to let the fuse settle in. 10-40 hours.. One direction will sound better than the other.

The acception is if the system is, or is NOT revealing enough.

Test: Pull the current fuse in your unit. Turn it around, if you can hear the difference, chances are your system will like the new fuse..

The anti fusers will always say the same thing... Nothing I haven’t already heard.

The Eeyore 6. :-) "Oh no, I have to say the same thing over again".
Good folks. Bad information.. They should preface their statement with:
1. I’ve tried it, and it didn’t work for me.
2. I’ve tried it, and it did work like this on this piece of equipment.

MOST have NOT tried them, or their system, is just as I said... or they just can’t HEAR the difference.

The fuse is a nice nugget if you can hear it..

I had a buddy that gave me a hand full of SRs, Told me to use what I wanted.. I didn’t even have to order the things.

I can tell you of one unit, me and 5 of my buddies couldn’t hear the difference in, Schiit Freya +. It is a good little pre, but that fuse, changed nothing.. Bees Wax. SR, ACME. I sent my Schiit Freya + back.. different reason though.. The one that was kept...No change..

Mcintosh, Cary Audio, Pass, Mark Ls, Krells, Brain 565s, Ampzilla, 

OP this is a open ended question, be prepared.. LOL

Enjoy your Holiday...

Rhodium is a pretty good conductor, audio2design.  It's used a lot in harsh high current environments. It's less expensive than gold but close in conductivity. The reason for the jewelry, the stuff doesn't tarnish, ay. I saw a LOT of Rhodium plated terminal ends in harsh environments, with high HIGH humidity, little or no issues.. Not subject to galvanization and a great corrosion inhibitor.

It does have a definite sonic signature, close to the old nickel / lead / tin, RCAs.

A lot of the industrial DC fuses use Rhodium, SS, and Nickel, for the outside of breakers or fuses. Inside, 12VDC is copper, 24VDC, is silver for contacts. Has been for 50 + years...

Like I said rhodium is a good conductor, not a bad one. Right below aluminum. We're not talking about the signal path. Quite different we're talking about the PS fuse, not a fuse in the speaker or in the path..

Look at lead, you know what every battery in every car that uses a starter...is made of.. LEAD.. again pretty darn conductive..

A better conductor doesn't mean a better sound, though it can... I use pure silver, you want it brighter, silver clad over copper.. Again is has a signature, but not for everyone.. 

Gold like rhodium is used for corrosion, more than anything..

So George, if one of your customers came in with Cary 805 Es and said upgrade the wiring, replace the coupling and decoupling caps, check and replace parts as needed, you’d tell them, there is no need and they are wasting their money? The wire is fine and whats in there is just as good as what your going to replace it with?

Cary, calls it a sonic UPGRADE. It sounds BETTER.. Have you upgraded amps and heard a difference?
Copper is replaced with Silver wire or clad, caps are replaced, resistors are tighten up, PS HecFred, and filter cap.  Match a good set of valves. 2-3 K, you are gonna turn it away?
BTW, they want SR blue fuses in the units.. LOL Just add it to the bill, kind of customer..

I ask, because that same thinking is the difference between a 100 amp, a 1000.00 amp or a 10,000.00 amp.. Usually better parts.

You seem to be ok if the price is right. What if the price MADE a 100 amp into 1000.00 amp, for the cost of 150.00 worth of resistors and caps?

I think that is the main part I don’t understand with your way of thinking...

If SR fuses were 6.50 would you use them then? Complaining about the cost is one thing, saying they don’t change the sound is a different thing all together.. They change the sound at a cost of 100. each if you buy three (on sale). 300.00.

So is the BS the cost, the quality, the money back guarantee, all of it, part of it. How does that work as a repair person? You don’t do upgrades?

Your barking up the wrong fuser tree sunshine. (starting to get a whiff of fish??)


Lost me on that one.. My name is Scotty.. not sunshine, and I don't bark, But thanks for the bright outlook...

Fish? Fish oil, OK I got you.. No just asking what you would do if a customer came in and asked if you would upgrade a system, that's all.

Don't sell many SR fuses, I take it.. Do customers ASK? What do you say, NO.. if they ask for them? All the repair guys around here, have SR in stock, Bees wax, a few... Or they will get them for you.. Even Mac repair shops... Daily City, Sacramento, a few.

don’t resort to name calling and throwing insults.

I’m really starting to believe that what George said about some folks on here being shills has more than a little bit of truth in it.


They erase my rant. Then read how you don’t call names as you call folks names, just like your buddy.. NOTHING to contribute..

Not, "I’ve tried it". BUT "it just doesn’t work". Just like I said CALL NAMES...

The implication is that person is a LIAR. Worst of all insults.. OVER and OVER again. JUST can’t seem to understand and cannot seem to learn... I really wish some of these guy’s worked with LIVE humans, those insults would last for 5 seconds. Those people would be asked to pick up their marbles and GO.... :-)

Like I said 89 days in a 4’ X 4’ cage... You learn a lot about yourself...

I think the answer is a lot easier. NON fuses, can’t hear well because of a physically issue or WON’T. Either one is still the same ol answer..

I don’t need to prove anything to anyone... I can hear the difference... I made a living hearing the difference.. a lot different than most...Most people can't pay attention long enough to hear if there is a difference.. My observation.

More important, I enjoy some of those change.. I seldom say "better"(sometimes), I usually say the sound changes... IF I like the change I keep it and send the finding on to the "MASTER TUNER" and he works it all in to his next thread "Why speakers sound bad" and "need to be tuned". Smarter than most actually, at least he/she is learning..

Again fuses work... I stayed on topic... Don’t erased... OK... I’ll just post it a different way over and over. Like you and the Eeyore 6. Now don't get mad because I like kenjit, and put you on the back burner.. I'm sorry we're done.. I'm breaking up with you..  YES THIS is a Dear John..  You'll have to find another.... I can't even speak your name, I feel a sonnet coming on.. blubber blubber blubber...

Love that guy.. kenjit.. smart guy... :-) My hero..

I don't know much about the human auditory system


I do.. The sound usually goes in one ear and out the other...:-)

If you're lucky, it will hit something on the way in, besides the MOUTH muscle receptors.  BIGGER :-)

Welcome 2020matters

OP your doing fine. The Eeyore 6 will always chime in. The argument is the same, the answer is the same.. Then there are those, that offer their information freely, from their point of view, and are ATTACKED by the same people.. Over and Over again.... Same people.

The question is the same. "Have you, Did you, hear a difference with a fuse change"? Eeyore 6... There is NO... bla bla bla...

NEVER answer the question asked. DID you notice a difference? Which fuse did you use? Just there, to call names, and usually someone takes the "BAIT" and starts calling names back.. Just what the Eeyore 6 want...

The same with kenjit and millercarbon. Just mean.. No contribution, Just attack, call names. Yap about how their system looks, or they don’t like the color, or that K is starting another "Speaker" thread... and call names...

See the "names" run to the thread and just start blabbin’, nothing to do with the thread topic. Just pure jealousy. "It" (jealousy) always brings unkind words... Start calling names... Same bunch... I just sit for the most part.. to a point... Then it’s time to say something, to the PRICK... or PRICKS... Moderator don’t erase this... The Eeyore 6 just can seem to learn manners.. You know "NO NAME CALLIN"....

One more thing.. is kenjit, erasing his own threads? "K" don’t be messing with "Dick Tracy".. Something is stinkin’, They can’t be killin’ that many of your threads... No fibbin’ either..

audio2design, NO this is not intended for you.. I "THINK" your ok... Weird but ok,, I’m sure the feeling is mutual and tolerance is even greater...

Time to feed the chickens...
