Center Channel needs to handle bass?

I'm doing some research on center channel speakers. I've pretty much decided on the Vandersteen 2Ce's for my mains. Those I was able to audition but the center channel I can't. In reading some reviews the reviewers state that the center channel only carries dialog and some background sounds but no serious bass. I have always believed that the center had to be able to handle deep bass because of onscreen carcrashes and such.

Does anybody have any opinions on this subject? I can't audition so I have to go by what I read.

Showing 1 response by sdcampbell

If your HT processor sends a full-range signal to all speakers, your center channel may handle some lower frequencies, but the really deep stuff gets sent as a LFE signal to the subwoofer. I doubt that your center channel will see much information below about 60 Hz.

I have Vandy 3A Signatures as my main speakers, and a Vandy VCC-1 Signature center channel. I personally like the Vandy center channel, although a friend of mine had one and sold it, saying it sounded closed-in to him. If you decide to look at the Vandy center channel, I personally do NOT recommend spending the extra money for the Signature model. The regular VCC-1 is a good buy used (usually $300-350 used), but I don't think the Signature version is worth the extra money.