Celebrities A/V systems - any interest?

I am thinking of writing magazine articles on the audio system's of famous people, complete with pictures and their personal philosophies/tastes in music and equipment -- if I can find a few who are willing to strut their stuff.

First of all, would you as audiophiles be interested in seeing such a feature?

Secondly, do you think that celebs would be willing to cooperate or would they see potential conflicts with themselves being viewed as endorsing products and so forth?

Does anyone remember the feature that Stereophile (or maybe Fi) ran on Fabio's outrageous Krell/Martin Logan/Infinity system a couple of years ago? I thought that was wild -- Infinity IRSes as rear channels, REALLY!

All comments are welcome, but be nice. :) If there are any famous or relatively well-known people reading this who would be interested or could offer me some insight, by all means feel free to e-mail me through Audiogon.

Showing 1 response by sc53

The first thing I thought of when I saw the title of your thread was that Fabio system in Stereophile a few years ago! I enjoyed looking at the pictures, but thought the whole thing, esp. all the marble floors in his CA palace, was ridiculous. Since then, Stereophile regularly shows the stereo systems of the musicians/composers it interviews and without fail they are all dinky non-audiophile systems. Patricia Barber has a boom box or something, w/a pair of Proac Tablettes at least. I'm not sure celebrities' systems will provide you with much to write about. Like most people, they don't particularly care about great sound. As long as some kind of sound comes out, they are satisfied. If you can dig up other rich people who happen to crave great sound--now, that would be a good article! Maybe some of the dot.com youngsters in CA and various other locales.