CEC Transport

I am looking for a new transport and have a few concerns. 1. Today there are few good new sub 3000.00 transports available. 2. If I purchase a used CEC 1 or 2 where will I have the unit repaired? I figure that Parasound will stop servicing them in the near future, they have not sold them for years. I e-mailed CEC and never heard back so I assume they are not reliable? 3. The Sonic Frontiers used transports seem to all have been repaired or in need of repair in the near future. Where do you have SF repaired?

Any thoughts on a transport that you know will stand the test of time and can be repaired in the next 5 years new or used. Thanks for your time Jeff

Showing 1 response by mghcanuck

Parts Connexion (http://www.partsconnexion.com) in Toronto, Canada, which is owned and operated by the founder of Sonic Frontiers, will perform repairs and mods on Sonic Frontiers, Anthem and Assemblage gear (all from the same corporate family).