Due to a variety of circumstances, I find myself in the position of needing to break in the woofers below 80hz of my primary speakers (VSA VR-7s). Any good, well-recoded CD's or points to an existing thread on this would be appreciated
I heard a disc from Norway at RMAF on the 4th or 5th floor of the Atrium tower that was incredible, but can't remember the name of the disc. It was playing pretty loud, so I'm sure a number of others heard it as well. If anyone wrote down the name of that disc, please reply here.
ALso please note - I am not interested in Test discs or warble tones - I want real music.
I was also going to mention "The Hunter". Also the track "We Belong Together" by Rickie Lee Jones as well as several on Peter Gabriel's "Last Temptation" soundtrack would be useful.
I forgot Jimmy Smith's (w/Stanley Turrentine) "Prayer Meeting". It's an RVG, so some here may disapprove, but I think it's a very fine quality recording of Jimmy Smith organ music, and - if you like this kind of stuff - the program materal is absolutely fantastic.
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