CDs Vs LPs

Just wondering how many prefer CDs over LPs  or LPs over CDs for the best sound quality. Assuming that both turntable and CDP are same high end quality. 
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Showing 3 responses by cylinderking_1

Lps  vpi tnt sme309 and here’s the key van den hull colibri xgp it digs things out of that piece of vinyl that HAVE ALLWAYS BEEN THERE if you don’t believe me come on over I’ll show you . It has allways has amazed me analog that was created 100+ years ago sounds better than present technology. By the way I went from a Benz ruby to the corlibri and was baffled by the change.
1877 Thomas Edson invented  the phonograph that’s over 140 years if you don’t believe me look it up . Today’s analog is also mechical look at the inner working of a cartrage. It’s the same principle back then as is is today just more refined based on mechanical vibrations.
I’ll bite I’m saying analog done right will blow digital at any price point out of the water I’ve listened to many very expensive digital systems although they sounded nice they didn’t give me that lifelike experience. Right now I’m listing to a esoteric DV-60 / bat/ Wilson wp6 in my family room it’s nowhere near my anolog system. Digital is easy analog is for a more lifelike experience,btw a digital player made in 80s sure doesn’t sound like a new DCS digital placer or maybe you will ( debunk) that to saying they didn’t make cds in the 80s hope you get it.