CDP with volume and digital input...Which one?

I am currently searching for this kind of CDP.I've narrowed down to few:

1.Wadia 861 SE, 581, 850 or 860.
2.Resolution Audio Opus 21+GNSC mods
3.DcS P8i
4.One not in this group, but also considered is Njoe Tjoeb 4000+all upgrades.
5.Cambridge Audio 840C (no volume is a minus)
6.Mark Levinson 390S

I have very big and sensitive speakers, full range(Silverline Sinfonia).Also 320B XLS SET monos (15 W/ch).CDP will be connected directly to 320B XLS power amps.
I need dynamics, punch, great bass and a lot of it,also smooth but extended top end and natural midrange...
Listening to heavy metal mostly,also jazz, female vocals.
Has anyone heard any of these players in A/B comparisons?
Which one is the best overall,and which one is a best buy?

Showing 1 response by cappuccino

I would have picked the Wadia 581i, but if Burmester 001 was on the list I would have picked the latter...