CDP isolation platforms

This is a new area of research for me. Therefore, any and all suggestions regarding your favorite CDP isolation platforms/systems is greatly appreciated. Also, please include what you believe to be the strengths/weaknesses of your pick(s). Thanks.

Showing 1 response by sm_fung8639

I believe what you're trying to isolate is the vibration casued by the rack/floor and your environment. First you need to decouple from the rack/floor using a point which a cone or nail on 3 or 4 corners would do. You also want to let the CDP to float in order to minimize the horizontal forces. That if your can somehow let your CDP float on air would be perfect. Failing that you want to allow the whole unit to sway with as little force as possible. You have the choice of an air bladder, tennis balls or silica gel. I use hard wood sitting on round crystal. Let me know what you have settled with.