CDP isolation platforms

This is a new area of research for me. Therefore, any and all suggestions regarding your favorite CDP isolation platforms/systems is greatly appreciated. Also, please include what you believe to be the strengths/weaknesses of your pick(s). Thanks.

Showing 1 response by prostarsound

Innner-tubes are cool. Certainly, the CDP will be isolated from the Rack. However, the inner resonance generated from within the CDP will "bounce off" the inner-tube and back into the CDP. I subscribe to the theory used in SYMPOSIUM products. The Platforms decouple and "drain" vibration from the components. The "Super" may be in your price range. Also, SYMPOSIUM "ROLLERBALLS" will float the CDP. (Contact me if you are interesed in purchasing SYMPOSIUM products). A DYI "layered" platform could be made from: a layer of formica board (on top), under which you put a layer of partical board, under which you put a layer of "foam padding" (typically used under carpeting), under which you put another layer of formica board. Once you have isolated the Rack with a platform, then, you could put pieces of high grade 60/65 aluminum (2" wide; 6" long; 1" thick) and let the metal (on the bottom of the CDP) rest right on these pieces. The whole system could cost 15-20 bucks.