CDP for MA6900 + SF Grand Piano Home

Hi all,

Need some recommendation for CDP to match with McIntOsh MA6900 driving the Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home. Budget would be USD2500-3000.

Listen mostly to vocal, jazz & a bit of new age.

Just shoot. Would appreicate if you could leave a few lines to say why the CDP is a good match.

Many Thanks!
Hi Jclyle,

unfortunately my system buildup is delayed. For CDP, why don't you wait for Mcintosh latest SACDP MCD-201, to be released sometime around Christmas?

Hey pingpong-
Just curious which CDP you may have gone with. I got a MA6900 this week and am wondering aboutfuture CDP upgrades...
On the forward side is the consonance 120 and ayre. On the neutral side is the cary 308. Not knowing your budget I would recommend what worked for me, a museatex IDAT dac. It betters everything above and is not fatiguing at all abd doesnt sacrifice detail or bass control. It is only available used.
Thanks Arthur,

I am looking for balanced sound, bright is a no no.. also non fatigue sound....

Not knowing what type of sound you like, it will be hard to say. Personally, for your system I would get a CD player that has a forward soundstage and is rather detailed like an Audio Aero Capitole, Ayre CX7 or Cary 303/300. Good luck! Arthur