CDP directly into amp?

I'm looking to add a 2-channel setup into my existing environment. The only 2-channel source I'm interested in is my cd player. Can I attach it directly to an amp? What are the con's here?
I'm looking at one of the McCormack line of amps if this makes a difference.


Showing 1 response by phild

You can, but it needs to be a CD player with a built-in volume control (otherwise you need to use an outboard volume control, passive preamp, or active preamp). It will sound best if the built-in volume control is a good one (preferably analog) and the output of the CDP is a good match for the input sensitivity of your amp.

This topic has come up quite often. Search the archives for CD players with volume control and you should find a bunch of info on this topic (and many CD player recommendations too).