CDP breaks and I move to computer-based...

...and I don't think it sounds as good. Am I crazy? Same DAC, but instead of CDP => digital coax => DAC, I'm running either toslink or kimber usb to a V-DAC DAC. I dunno, I just feel like the sound isn't quite "there", almost as if it is not as present, or convincing, as if it is lacking something.

The Mac outputs bit perfect, so this should not be an issue. All iTunes/Mac settings are what they should be. I am considering buying another cdp for a transport. Again, am I crazy?

Showing 3 responses by realremo

I would rather stick with PC audio for the convenience or access to thousands of songs.
What if you have a jitter problem? You could try an affordable re-clocker, like the Monarchy DIP, run toslink into the DIP and then digital coax into your DAC. What was the CDP you were using as transport before?
Memory and processor intensive software, like Photoshop, Final Cut, Form Z, or 3D games, etc., could affect bit-perfect audio playback, even on an OS so perfect as X...
I have also read that the Van Den Hul Opticoupler is very good:
what is core audio? If it is set to 16 bit, will it still play 24 bit files? Are 24 bit files available on iTunes, and how are these produced? I think CDs have 16 bit resolution, so any 24 bit coming off of them is upsampled. What software do you use to do this and is the sound quality better than a downloaded 24 bit file?
I run a PC, just FYI. I also read something somewhere about turning off "kmixer," whatever that is. Do you know anything about that?