CDP breaks and I move to computer-based...

...and I don't think it sounds as good. Am I crazy? Same DAC, but instead of CDP => digital coax => DAC, I'm running either toslink or kimber usb to a V-DAC DAC. I dunno, I just feel like the sound isn't quite "there", almost as if it is not as present, or convincing, as if it is lacking something.

The Mac outputs bit perfect, so this should not be an issue. All iTunes/Mac settings are what they should be. I am considering buying another cdp for a transport. Again, am I crazy?

Showing 1 response by jaymark

I have a great iMac set up feeding a dcs purcell upsampler and a dcs delius dac. I had the Ayre C5xemp CD player - a very excellent digital front end with a cavernous sound stage.

The computer-based set up I have is better. However, it should be as it cost about twice as much. I doubt if I ever buy another CD player. The big thing I noticed is that the computer server simply makes your music so much more accessible, easier to burn CDs for the car/office, and I listen so much more to my system than before.

I would've never believed that listening through a computer would sound so dang good.......