Toslink does not suck. Here is how to fix your problem, purchase a glass toslink cable and you will be shocked at the sound. Plastic toslink cables are HORRID but a good glass cable like I use is every bit as good as my $1500.00 FIM Gold digitla coax. USB has in my experience not been able to match my glass toslink. I have a mac mini with 4 gig ram and a 1TB NAS drive all connected wirelessly a d it is as good and most time better than anything knave owned in the past in including my former Wadia 7...etc
CDP breaks and I move to computer-based...
...and I don't think it sounds as good. Am I crazy? Same DAC, but instead of CDP => digital coax => DAC, I'm running either toslink or kimber usb to a V-DAC DAC. I dunno, I just feel like the sound isn't quite "there", almost as if it is not as present, or convincing, as if it is lacking something.
The Mac outputs bit perfect, so this should not be an issue. All iTunes/Mac settings are what they should be. I am considering buying another cdp for a transport. Again, am I crazy?
The Mac outputs bit perfect, so this should not be an issue. All iTunes/Mac settings are what they should be. I am considering buying another cdp for a transport. Again, am I crazy?