CDP 2K for Cary sli80 Shearwater H.R.

Okay, time to ditch the last of the mid-fi links in my system, (Marantz cd63se). I'm hoping for even better soundstage & naturalness. I've heard nice things about the Cary 303, but its a little more than I want to spend. The Planet & otheres in the 1K range may even give me a nice improvement, so perhaps I can save a little $. What'ya think?

Showing 2 responses by krocdoc

I'm looking for the same thing. I'm using the sli80 with Soliloquy 5.0's and now need to replace an old rotel cd player. What cables are you using with the cary?
Jay, thanks for the input. Did you try any other power chords with the sli80? I swapped in a synergistic master and it did not seem to make much of a difference so I kind of gave up that route. I am using Blue Heaven for the cd to cary and cary to the speakers. I like the sound i'm getting right now, even though the cd could be improved. Last night I played Patricia Barber's Nightclub for the first time and still can't believe how well the cary/soliloquy combo sounds.