CD with volume control/ no preamp.

I have a CJ 11a amp, Audible Illusions L1, Adcom CD player (about 6 years old), and new MSB DAC al with high quality MIT cables. When I run the system with no preamp using the cheap volume control on the CD player, the soundstage is wider with more detail. Do I get rid of the preamp/DAC and maybe upgrade to a better CD player with volume control, like wadia or resolution audio. Or do I try a better Transport/DAC? Which path should I head down for best sound?

Showing 1 response by twinstick

Hi Joe I just invested in Wadia 27i and a Cello Etude volume unit to replace my Altis reference 24/96 DAC and Goldumnd 27 preamp. Frankly speaking, the focus is not as good as my previous system (with the preamp), on the other hand the soundstage and details improve a little bit, with more transcient high freq. However, the downside is the pace/ speed seems to be too fast, slightly less involving than before. Anyway be aware that your CD source is having high gain output in order to drive a passive preamp/ volume unit. Happy listening!