CD vs. Vinyl

I've personally had to opportunity to listen to identical music on vinyl and CD on an extremely high end system, possibly a seven figure system, and certainly recognized the stark difference between the vinyl sound and a CD.

What makes this difference? Here are three situation to consider assuming the same piece of music:

(1) An original analogue recording on a vinyl vs. an A/D CD

(2) An original analogue recording on vinyl vs. an original digital recording on CD

(3) An original digial recording on CD vs. a D/A recording on vinyl

I wonder if the sound of vinyl is in some ways similar to the "color" of speakers? It's not so much of an information difference, just the sound of the medium?

Any thoughts?

Showing 3 responses by mrtennis

at the risk of redundancy, digital and vinyl are diffferent. one is not better than the other. so as to avoid being accused of either being a pedant or of sounding overly didactic, i will say that when one discusses aesthetic endeavors--art, food, movies, books audio, e.g., it is often arbitrary to say that one instance is better than another. again as an example, to say that one movie is better than another is philosophical in nature, an opinion and cannot be proven.

i know, a lot cannot be proven and we are entitled to my oponions.

i have been accused of many things,--iconoclast, lousy ears, contrary, etc. .

the point is the realm of audio is entirely philosophical.
there is no definitive conclusion to a philosophical argument.

enjoy your vinyl, assert that vinyl is better than digitla. its a matter of taste.

when using the word better, it helps to define what is good, better and best.

audiophiles will differ as to these things.

i'm ready for any invectives that come my way.

i believe what i learned in during my time in college in which i was enrolled in two philosophy courses justifies my position.

you may disagree.
the valid comparison to make is between a recording and the hardware.

thus a cd player or dac and transport is compared to a turntable, arm and cartridge.

there are many variables and there is personal taste.

while the facts of the recording are the facts, one must consider all of the variables.

it is possible, therefore, that a given recording may be preferred on either medium, regardless of the facts of the "superiority of the recording.

although, i would grant one could make a case that a well recorded lp will most likely be preferred over its cd counterpart--but not always.

i own csome cds which are quite exemplary in their sound quality and would be acceptable to those who love vinyl.
hi kijanki:

i'd rather hear the microphone feed, not the cd and not the lp.

i realize this is impractical. a live broadcast over a decent radio comes close.

sorry to be a wise guy, but i could'nt resist the temptation.