I was planning on buying a new CD player (Rega Jupiter 2000), when I read a few reveiws of the Sony SCD-XA777ES, which used, I could buy for about the same amount as the Rega new. I currently have an extensive CD collection, but no SACDs. My question is whether I should just go ahead and buy the Sony, or whether a dedicated CD player, like the Rega (or others at its price point) are significantly better in their CD playback. Thanks. Tom
There really is no contest between the XA777ES and any Rega player. In fact, at new or used prices, the XA777ES is the best player available under +3K. IF you manage to find an Audio Aero, Mephisto II, or EMC-1 MkII at or around the 3K range go for it, otherwise any other player you buy will be matched by the XA777ES and/or beat severely.

Keep in mind, the XA777ES is NOT a "show boat" type player like the early SCD-1, 777ES units which tend to have a more flashy outward sonic signature. I believe Sony did this to (over) emphasize the differences between its SACD format and regular CD to the general public...

The XA777ES is more subtle, sensuous, relaxed and convincing. SACD is less dramatic sounding - CD is better sounding. Actually the XA77ES makes CD's sound very, very good and near to SACD quality.

The 9000ES is a joke by comparison.
I compared the Sony SCD-C555ES SACD changer (now discontinued but still selling for $600 new) to my Rega Planet. The Sony, on redbook CD playback, had a more transparent/open soundstage and had a more musical/rythmic presentation. The first five seconds of the first song of the first SACD I ever played on the Sony was an amazing revelation. SACD is a huge step forward in progress over redbook.
I recently moved from a Denon HDCD for Redbook and a 9000es for SACD to a new XA777es. BIG...BIG...BIG...difference. At less than $2000, what a deal. This format is only going to get better. With the Rolling Stones reissues in SACD, the Beatles and Sinatra can't be far behind.
Natalie is simply incorrect in his/her assesment of the sony players. The redbook quality of the sony players (scd-1/scd777es/xa777es) is extremely good and the sacd is simply outstanding.
Czbbcl your wrong. My facyts come 1 from what i have jheard and 2 from reviews.
Go to Read the reviews and what many people have to say.
Get over the blind loyalty to SONY it is grossly misplaced