CD transport is making noises....

I have an Arcam CD-92, and I just noticed that it makes these light, sharp, clicking sounds when I try to start up a CD, and when I skip from one track to another. I do not notice any sound when the CD moves from track to track on its own.

Now, the question is this: perhaps the noise was always there, but that I never noticed it before? Its not a sound I have heard any other CD player make, that's for sure.

Any thoughts? Should I get it looked at?

Showing 2 responses by niravp

Thanks for the response. I'll pop off the lid and take a look, but I'll probably have to put it in the shop for a while.

Thanks for the advice. I bought my unit from an Audiogon seller (who has been very helpful).

But, if ASL will repair it free of charge, I'll defintiely give them a ring.
