Cd storage..what's an audiophile to do?

I have a small Cd collection of about 200 discs. It is already difficult to find a way to find a rack to store them in and I do not even have the >1000 disc collections that some of you have. So I ask you, how do you all store these large CD collections and as an extra bonus question how do you arrange them?

Showing 1 response by centurymantra

I've been looking at this very closely myself as of late and can second the recommendation for Treedesigns. I think that this is what I will be going with myself, but there are a couple of other vendors worth looking at. The CD storage racks that I REALLY wanted can be had at Can-Am ( ...but they are a bit expensive, though not unreasonably so, considering the solidity of the product. I also thought that Sorice ( offered a nice product, and when you request a catalog they send along an introductory pricing offer. I had also looked at CDHoldings (, who had some interesting choices as well. If you want to try something on the cheap, aside from DIY of course, you could do what I have been doing. Look for a store that sells Sauder brand products. These are typically found at Target, Meijer, Value City, etc. They make a CD rack that holds 161 discs and costs about $20. It's one of those cheap, pre-fab units that you assemble yourself, but is actually surprisingly solid in build and really does not look bad at all. They don't take up much space and the look of several of these units lined up next to each other is discreet and perfectly acceptable.