CD sound quality: original pressings vs regular remaster vs MFSL, etc

I'm expanding my music collections and acquiring/reacquiring many very old works e,g, Cat Stevens, Traffic, Moody Blues, Coltrane/Miles Davis/Brubeck, and some classical and newer popular works as well.

Does it matter much whether the disk I get is "original" older pressing, or a remastered version?  Or a MFSL?

I remember CDs were unlistenable first 5-10 years, but no idea if that was the disk or the players and not sure I'd run across any used CDs that old anyway.

Thanks for your time.

Showing 1 response by eisen0169

I recently found there is a disc from Japan called Blu-spec and Blu-spec2.  Both produce redbook CD using Sony blue-ray production equipment and have been available since 2008.  The process was improved in 2012.  As an experiment I purchased the same most recent  remastered version on regular CD and Blu-spec2 of Blizzard of Oz by Ozzy Osbourne.  The regular CD new was $7 and the Blu-spec was $23.  The difference was night and day.  Like Tommy Lee Jones said about the disc in the original Men in Black movie "Oh well, I'm going to have to buy the White Album again".