Cd's to make a come back in the future?

I heard a reviewer John Darko say he thinks cd's will make a come back. Does anyone think so to?
I have no intention of selling/giving away my cd collection now or ever.

Showing 9 responses by uberwaltz

But seriously I have been taken aback of late by the sq from my old oppo  bdp80 used as a transport fed into the bnc  input of my Ayon tube dac.

Has me rethinking cd right now.......

Just when you thought it was safe to turn out the light......
@n80. I learned the hard way early on what a cheap car player could and would do to a prized tape.....

I found a very good fairly priced player by Panasonic and that was all I ever fitted in my cars for years.
Of course then that darn CD came along and stole the show ,made it very difficult to even buy a new car cassette player.

But not news to me... lol

Been a huge cassette user and advocate for years.

Never dumped my original stash of tapes and add to the collection on a daily basis.
thrift shops between fifty cents and dollar each.
our lrc does them at $2 each.

A good tape on a good player just sounds so musical.
I get total satisfaction from the LISTENING TO of the music.
I honestly could not care less its source as long as it is musical and sweet to my ears.
And at the end of the day that is ALL that matters.
I regularly listen to CD, cassette tape, vinyl and streaming.
I do not try and compare any of them to each other, total waste of time.
Just enjoy your music people no matter what the source.
I do not think I could ever or would even like to entertain the idea of just playing vinyl or just playing cd or just streaming.

Sorry but I want the whole 9 yards and mostly have it.

Only thing missing right now is a r2r unit and I am sure the itch will make me buy one sooner or later.

One experiment I am going to try this morning is to record a 24/96 stream to my Nak cassette deck and see how it sounds on playback.
Think you dumped the wrong medium. Lol.

My Nak 582 gets a workout every couple days, today it had Siamese Dreams playing through it.
$2395 is somewhat steep but maybe it is just right for someone.
CDs need to fade away before they can stage a comeback.
They are nowhere near the “ extinction “ level that vinyl was at.
I do not see them ever reaching the same state that vinyl did or  indeed ever reaching the same status as vinyl has.
I am sure this has all been said before with vinyl.
However the big difference is I do not think there will ever be any nostalgia attached to CDs.

And not many are going to achieve the almost cult status of numerous vinyl audiophile recordings.

I do not think will make a comeback simply because they have not really disappeared to any extent as vinyl did.

Heck I still play a lot of CDs in the car.