CD ripping

Most of my 600 CDs were ripped thorough iTunes as m4a format.

Is it worth re doing this to wav ?

my 2 Channel system is oppo 105 to rega brio r and epos 11 speakers.

If worthwhile any advise on how I should do it myself or reco on services to outsource to?

Appreciate any guidance.



Showing 3 responses by soundsrealaudio

Well here is a thought. I am really new to digital ripped music. First I was ripping to my music only dedicated mac book. Had to purchase an external ripper for it then figure out JRiver software. 

The one of my distributors recommended a product, the Melco N1 retail is 2K. It stores 2 terabytes and connects to the internet. He then recommended the Buffalo CD Ripper made by the same company as the Melco but sold through Best Buy and office supply store. Now all I do is plug the Ripper into the Melco, it takes about 4 minutes to rip and the Melco organizes your music and searches on line for cover photos etc. Very cool since I am digitally handicapped. 

I use an iPad and down loaded Music Life which I use as a remote for the Melco. That app is free.

Doesn't get much easier.  


The model of the Buffalo burner is the BDXL Blu-ray Burner.

The BRXL- 16U3. I already had a CD burner for my new mac book air but purchased this one from Office Depot on line. Seems much faster then my separate mac burner that I had already purchased. The Buffalo seems much faster. In addition if you do buy a Melco N 1 ( hopefully from me ) which stores 2 tera bytes, the Buffalo ripper is made by the same company and plug and play. I had to give up on using my Air Book to play music. J River is to complex for someone old like me. Plus when I demo music in my shop I really don't want to open my lap top. It just feels wrong, on so many levels. Long and short is I would do the BRXL. 

A little confusing regarding the model number here but I think you  can sort it out on Office Depot website. 
Give me a call if you would like.
